The first-ever WordCamp Canada is callin’ out for Speakers, Sponsors, and Volunteers, ready to bring the community together, post-pandemic style. It’s a beaut chance for all us Canadians to showcase what makes us unique, from our love for poutine to our bilingual chats, all while diving deep into WordPress, inclusivity, and Indigenous perspectives. So, grab your toque and let’s make it a good one, buddy!
You have no idea how good it feels to drop that little ‘u’ in there. It’s also a great word to lead into a conversation about the first-ever WordCamp Canada launching its Calls for Speakers, Sponsors, and Volunteers.
Post-COVID many local meetup groups and WordCamps are facing headwinds as the habits of getting together must be re-learned. Facing such headwinds, a group of Canadians has decided that the best way to reboot the community across the country is to host a national WordCamp.
“Many meetups fell dormant during the pandemic and we couldn’t keep up. This is an opportunity for those existing communities, as well as those communities yet to come to come together and maybe find their people.[sic]”
Shanta, WCEH Organizer
As a fellow Canadian who loves poutine, wears a toque outside in the winter and has often been described as nice, I’m excited to see us celebrating our national identity and inviting others to participate.
With WordCamp US a regular event, you may be wondering why the Canadians felt the need to have something similar. After all, they’re right next to each other and it’s not difficult to travel between the two countries.
Welcome to the conundrum that is being Canadian. Because we are different. It is different here and how we view the world, technology and our role in all of it is also different.
“Many think we’re the same, but we face some very different challenges, including those challenges because we are so close to the US. [WCEH] gives Canadians and Canadian companies the chance to shine. When many of those companies would get swept up at places like WCUS, they can shine at WCEH!”
Shanta, WCEH Organizer
Our roads are bumpier and we drink milk from bags. We’re an officially bilingual country where the majority speak one language. We’re open to immigration in ways that might intimidate other countries (humble brag).
While many outside of Canada view it as a maple syrup-hoarding place of multiculturalism and inclusivity, we’re also reckoning with our colonial past and our treatment of Indigenous Peoples and racialized Canadians.
To keep this national conversation at the forefront, the Call for Speakers at WordCamp Canada has placed particular emphasis on topics related to accessibility, underrepresented voices, multilingualism and indigenous communities.
“[There] exists an increasing acknowledgement of the need for conscious efforts towards “a renewed nation-to-nation relationship with Indigenous Peoples based on recognition of rights, respect, cooperation and partnership.” This has informed our desire to focus on indigenous empowerment and perspectives, as well as accessibility, inclusivity, and underrepresented communities in general.”
Paul & Gina, WCEH Organizers
The organizing team also expressed their interest in exploring how Open Source and WordPress ideals intersect with Indigenous principles. I’m personally excited to see a WordCamp place particular emphasis on these kinds of topics, it feels very, um, Canadian. Perhaps that’s the point.
So buddy, if you’re looking for a WordCamp to put on your calendar, join me and my fellow moose-herding canucks in my hometown of Ottawa, Canada this July 11-13 for the inaugural WordCamp Canada.
WP Tavern
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