Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, has proposed creating crypto-inspired hardware to enhance secure communication and protect privacy, a vision spurred by his unsettling experiences with governments, including attempts by the FBI to interrogate him and coerce a Telegram engineer into embedding backdoors in the app. These experiences have led Durov to explore technological solutions […]
Crypto Advocates Weigh in on Bitcoin’s Sudden Drop Amid Middle East Tensions
On April 13, Iran initiated a drone strike on Israel followed by reports that unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) were intercepted by Israeli, U.S., and other Western allied forces. Concurrently, bitcoin and the broader crypto economy experienced a significant downturn, with many analyzing the fundamentals in the context of a potentially intensifying military conflict. Community Reacts […]
DeSantis Vows to Abolish IRS, Advocates Flat Tax in Presidential Bid Amidst Stiff GOP Competition
On Jan. 4, 2024, Florida Governor and presidential candidate Ron DeSantis articulated his desire to abolish the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS). He advocated for the adoption of a uniform rate flat tax for all U.S. residents. DeSantis declared to CNN’s Kaitlan Collins on Thursday, “I would eliminate the IRS, have a single rate, and […]
Mexican Billionaire Advocates Bitcoin for Wealth Protection — ‘People Need to Realize They’re Being Robbed’
Mexican billionaire Ricardo Salinas sees bitcoin as a way to protect against inflation tax because the cryptocurrency cannot be debased. “People’s savings are being taken from them without their permission, without their knowledge,” he stressed, adding that “everybody would benefit from understanding that the debasement of currency is a very useful trick in the fraudsters’ […]
Singapore Elects President Who Advocates ‘One Regulatory System’ for Crypto and Traditional Finance
Tharman Shanmugaratnam, the former deputy prime minister and central bank chairman of Singapore, has been elected as the new president of the country. The Singaporean president-elect, who advocates for a single regulatory system for both crypto and traditional finance, wants to make sure that everyone is aware that there is “one regulatory system for everything.” […]