“Imagine a more open web where people can switch between any platform of their choosing. A web where being locked into a system is a thing of the past. This is the web I’ve always wanted to see.” At the end of his State of the Word 2023 keynote, Matt Mullenweg pulled …
Launch of cLAKE Community Program – Ambitious Gamified Bounty Campaign in Web3
PRESS RELEASE. Geneva, Switzerland, January 15, 2023 – Taking the next step towards reconsidering the global water distribution system, LAKE introduces the cLAKE Community Program, scheduled for launch on January 19, 2024. This initiative marks a significant milestone on the way to building the world’s first extensive and engaged community dedicated to ensuring water access […]
WordPress Plans Ambitious Admin UI Revamp with Design System, Galvanizing Broad Support from the Developer Community
WordPress’ admin is on deck for a long-awaited makeover after Gutenberg lead architect Matías Ventura published plans for a revamped admin design as part of the Phase 3: Collaboration road map. “As WordPress turns twenty years old, the overall aim of this work is to improve upon this experience at a foundational …