Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of Telegram, has explained that Hamas’ communication channel in the application will keep operating. Durov’s statements come after Telegram faced widespread backlash for allowing the Palestinian group to keep posting war-related content on its network. Durov explained that shutting down this comms channel “risks exacerbating an already dire situation.” Telegram […]
Thorswap Halts Operations Amidst FTX Hacker’s Fund Movement; RUNE Drops 8.6%
The decentralized exchange (dex) Thorswap has paused operations after a series of funds stemming from the FTX hacker was sent to the dex protocol. Thorswap took to social media and said that the team “stands firmly against any and all criminal actions.” Thorswap Pauses Amidst FTX Hack Fallout; RUNE Value Takes a Hit After the […]
Billionaire on Paper: FTX CTO Gary Wang Reveals Alameda’s Privileges Amidst Exchange Scandal
Former FTX chief technology officer Gary Wang took the stand on Thursday in the trial of FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried. Wang admitted to committing financial crimes with Bankman-Fried, former Alameda CEO Caroline Ellison, and former FTX engineering executive Nishad Singh. From High School to Scandal: The Unraveling Ties of FTX’s Wang and Bankman-Fried Zixiao (Gary) […]
Crude Oil on the Rise: JPMorgan Predicts a Surge to $150 per Barrel Amidst Global ‘Energy Supercycle’
Christyan Malek, the lead for EMEA energy equity research at JPMorgan, predicts that by 2026, crude oil prices could soar to $ 150 a barrel. Malek believes a looming energy supercycle could be the driving force pushing crude prices upward. Another significant factor, Malek points out, is the “institutional and policy-led pressures” hastening the …
NFT Sales Doldrums: 30-Day Plunge Sees 34% Decline Amidst Chilling Digital Collectible Sector
Fresh data indicates a continuing decline in non-fungible token sales, dipping 3.2% in the last week and plummeting 34% over the past month. As September nears its end with six days remaining, NFT sales have tallied up to $ 341.37 million since August 24. NFT Sales Still Can’t Escape Crypto Winter’s Wrath This September, …