Delhi police have arrested seven individuals, including a contractual bank employee, for allegedly defrauding a man of ₹91 lakh ($ 111,000) by promising high returns in stock and cryptocurrency trading. The suspects, identified as Ajay, Mohit, Shankar, Partyaksh Koshar, Manish Jawla, Shrayance Pandit, and Dinesh, created fictitious bank accounts and sold them to other …
Nigerian Prison Doctor Faces Arrest Over Jailed Binance Exec’s Health Report
On July 16, a Nigerian court issued an arrest warrant for a prison doctor who failed to provide jailed Binance executive Tigran Gambaryan’s medical report as demanded. The court also ordered prison officials to take Gambaryan to a local hospital for 24 hours of medical care. Prison Doctor Fails to Appear in Court A Nigerian […]
Nigeria Police Arrest Self-Proclaimed Crypto Billionaire on Charges of Cryptocurrency Fraud and Terrorism Funding
On July 16, the Nigeria Police Force confirmed the arrest of Linus Williams, a self-proclaimed crypto billionaire also known as Blord. Williams faces charges related to internet fraud, terrorism funding, and violations of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Act. According to a police spokesman, some of Williams’ alleged crimes involve the use of cryptocurrency […]
Hong Kong Police Arrest Three in ‘Hell Money’ Cryptocurrency Scam
Hong Kong police have arrested three men at a currency exchange shop in Tsim Sha Tsui, a major tourist area, for allegedly presenting “hell money” to a customer, leading the customer to transfer approximately HK$ 1 million ($ 128,206) worth of cryptocurrency in exchange for cash. The suspects, aged between 31 and 34, …
US Authorities Arrest Chinese Nationals Allegedly Behind Crypto Scam Network
An indictment unsealed in the Central District of California charges two Chinese nationals, Daren Li and Yicheng Zhang, with leading a scheme to launder at least $ 73 million tied to an international crypto investment scam, often known as “pig butchering.” Li and Zhang allegedly managed a global network that laundered proceeds from fraudulent …