Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), previously a key figure in the crypto sphere, encountered a stark contrast to his past life at the Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC) in Brooklyn. Gene Borrello, a past mob enforcer for the Bonanno crime family, shared insights with journalist Tiffany Fong about the daily challenges SBF faces in prison. Borrello’s revelations paint […]
Behind the Lens: WordPress Photos Directory Surpasses 10,000 Images, Moderators Explore Future Enhancements
The WordPress Photos Directory crossed a major milestone this week, surpassing 10,000 photos. It’s a growing resource that exists to provide free, publicly-contributed, CC0-licensed photographs. Every photo submitted is moderated by a volunteer. I’m super excited about this milestone,” Photos team moderator Michelle Frechette said. “Most (if not all) of …