Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, one of the most popular messaging applications, has remarked on the relevance that Hamster Kombat, a tap-to-earn game where players role-play as a hamster who is the CEO of a crypto exchange, will have in bringing blockchain to millions. 239 million have signed to be part of the game, according […]
Javascript Is Coming to Tezos X Blockchain
Tezos X announced the development of Jstz (pronounced “justice”), a Layer 2 rollup that will allow developers to use Javascript, a programming language used by nearly 23 million developers worldwide, on the blockchain. This move is aimed at scaling the utility of blockchain and attracting more developers to the space by removing the hefty barrier […]
Dubai Border Protection Agency Launches Blockchain Platform to Boost Efficiency
Dubai’s border protection agency announced the launch of a secure and efficient blockchain network, which is expected to improve efficiency and transparency within the United Arab Emirates city. The blockchain platform will also strengthen Dubai’s position as a hub for entrepreneurship and global competitiveness. Launch Aligns with Dubai’s Government Blockchain Strategy Dubai Customs, the emirate’s […]
Nigeria Considers Domestic Blockchain for Data Security
A Nigerian information technology agency is considering plans to develop a domestic blockchain to enhance national security and protect citizens’ data. A proponent of a locally developed blockchain argues that such a protocol would likely ensure compliance with Nigerian laws and allow the country greater control over its data. Domestic Blockchain Seen as Boosting Government […]
$207 Million Invested in AI, Crypto and Blockchain Startups in 96 Hours
Based on data from the past four days, 14 distinct artificial intelligence (AI), cryptocurrency and blockchain startups and projects secured approximately $ 207.28 million in investor funding. The leading entity for July is Sentient, an open-source AI platform, which garnered $ 85 million from Founders Fund, Framework Ventures, and Pantera Capital. Four-Day Funding …