Russian Telegram users now have more media freedom than Europeans, as EU censorship grows—raising alarms over the future of free expression across digital platforms. Pavel Durov Exposes Media Censorship Divide Between EU and Russia Telegram’s CEO, Pavel Durov, has criticized media restrictions in the European Union, highlighting what he described as greater freedom for Russian […]
X Ceases Operations in Brazil After Refusing to Comply With Censorship Orders
X’s Global Government Affairs Team reported on August 17 that the social network would be forced to shut down its local operations in Brazil due to judicial orders issued against its legal representative. The order, issued by Alexandre de Moraes, a member of the Supreme Federal Tribunal, would have this legal representative facing jail time […]
New York Federal Reserve Staff Paper on Tornado Cash Concludes Ethereum Is ‘Not Immune to Censorship and Cooperation’
A staff report published by several New York Federal Reserve employees found that Ethereum “is not immune to censorship and cooperation,” which depends on the roles of several actors across the network. The paper examined how the network performed after Tornado Cash, one of the main mixers in the blockchain, was sanctioned by the OFAC. […]
Elon Musk Exposes Secret EU Censorship Deal Proposal
Tesla CEO Elon Musk has disclosed that the European Commission (EC) offered his social media platform, X, a covert deal to censor speech in exchange for avoiding fines related to its blue check verification system. Musk stated that X declined the deal, unlike other platforms. The EC accused X of noncompliance with the Digital Services […]
Trump’s Crypto Aide David Bailey Calls out Reddit Bitcoin Mods on Censorship
David Bailey, CEO of Bitcoin Magazine and aide of the Trump presidential campaign, criticized the behavior of the moderators of r/bitcoin, a popular subreddit where bitcoin-centric news and issues are frequently discussed. On social media, Bailey called out these moderators, stating updates about President Trump assisting the Bitcoin 2024 conference in Nashville were censored. “Wild […]