The Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office has disclosed the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, who was detained at Le Bourget airport on August 24, 2024. Durov is currently in police custody as part of an extensive judicial investigation. The probe, launched on July 8, 2024, involves multiple serious charges, including complicity in illegal transactions, child […]
New York DA’s Office Hiring Full-Time Crypto Analyst for Cybercrime Bureau
The New York County District Attorney’s Office is hiring a full-time cryptocurrency analyst for its Cybercrime and Identity Theft Bureau. This role involves analyzing cryptocurrency theft complaints, conducting blockchain transaction analyses, and providing expert testimony. NY District Attorney Seeks Cryptocurrency Analyst The New York County District Attorney’s Office has put up a job posting for […]
Vietnamese Hackers Indicted in US for $71M Cybercrime Involving Cryptocurrency
Four Vietnamese nationals were charged in a U.S. court for a series of cyber intrusions causing over $ 71 million in losses. The defendants, part of the cybercrime group “FIN9,” allegedly hacked U.S. companies from May 2018 to October 2021, stealing non-public information, employee benefits, and funds. They used stolen personal and credit card …
Fintech Giant Flutterwave Partners With Nigerian Anti-Graft Body to Launch Cybercrime Center
Flutterwave, a Nigerian fintech startup, has partnered with the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) to establish a cybercrime research center. This strategic initiative aims to intensify the fight against internet crime, enhance the security of business transactions, and provide opportunities for Nigerian youth. The partnership was formalized through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed […]