According to Pavel Salas, the chief growth officer at Gear Foundation, on-chain smart contract automation makes applications “truly decentralized” because it “removes dependencies on centralized servers or external entities.” Salas also claimed that on-chain smart contract automation means participants can “engage in transactions or exchanges without relying on a central authority.” Webassembly Not a ‘Direct […]
Bitcoin, Ethereum Technical Analysis: BTC, ETH Rebound Ahead of US Consumer Confidence Data
Bitcoin rebounded from a multi-week low on Tuesday, as markets awaited the latest consumer confidence report in the United States. The latest figures from the Conference Board are expected to show a slight decline, with a reading of 105.9 in September. This will be down from 106.1 the month prior. Bitcoin Bitcoin was back in […]
Study: Sub-Saharan Africa’s Bitcoin Transaction Volume Number One Globally, Data Indicates Shift Towards Stablecoins
Despite accounting for just 2.3% of global transaction volume, the latest data shows that crypto has penetrated key markets in Sub-Saharan Africa and “become an important part of many residents’ day-to-day lives.” With a regional volume of 9.3%, Sub-Saharan Africa’s BTC share outranks all regions including North America (9.0%) and Eastern Europe (8.2%). Nigeria Epitomizes […]
Blockchain Data Visualization Startup Bubblemaps Secures $3.2M in Seed Funding
Paris-based Bubblemaps, a firm specializing in blockchain data visualization, announced on Monday that it had secured $ 3.2 million in seed funding from a group of investors. Bubblemaps stated that the newly acquired funds would be directed toward a mission to increase access to blockchain data, serving both individuals and institutions. Bubblemaps Raises $ …
Bybit Introduces Tradegpt: AI-Powered Chatbot Offers Real-Time Crypto Market Data, Trading Tips
Dubai’s Bybit cryptocurrency exchange has unveiled an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered instrument named Tradegpt. The new chatbot can scrutinize the exchange’s existing market data and offer an in-depth price evaluation by employing bitcoin’s current metrics as an example. Furthermore, the Bybit chatbot can recommend apt trading approaches for that day’s sessions and provide additional crypto market […]