Emmanuel Macron, President of France, has disregarded what he qualified as “false information” regarding the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov. In a social media post, Macron stressed that the arrest was part of an investigation carried out by the judiciary and that it was “in no way a political decision,” as some reports claimed. […]
Ripple, Kraken Legal Chiefs Weigh in on Court Decision in SEC’s Crypto Securities Lawsuit
The chief legal officers at Kraken and Ripple have weighed in on the Federal Court for the Northern District of California’s recent decision in the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s lawsuit against Kraken. “Another court, this time in the Kraken case, confirms there’s no such thing as a ‘crypto asset security.’ Bad news for the […]
Wazirx Defends Restructuring Decision — Founder Assures ‘Not Bankruptcy or Liquidation’
Indian crypto exchange Wazirx has defended its restructuring strategy in response to the July 18 cyberattack that led to the theft of over $ 230 million. The company emphasized that this approach is the quickest and most legally sound way to address these challenges. “This is not bankruptcy or liquidation since that will take …
Ethiopian Premier Defends Currency Float Decision, Rejects Devaluation Claims
The Ethiopian Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, has defended the decision to float the birr and insisted that this move does not amount to the devaluation of the currency. Ahmed stated that the intention is to unify the official and parallel market exchange rates. Reports suggest that Ethiopia’s decision to float the birr was promptly rewarded […]
Gold Breaks $2,500 per Ounce, Reaching Historic Highs Powered by Fed’s Decision and Geopolitical Risks
Gold prices reached historic highs on August 1, breaking the $ 2,500 mark on the New York Comex exchange. The precious metal reached a price of $ 2,502.6 for the first time in its history, influenced by the U.S. Federal Reserve’s decision to leave interest rates unchanged, geopolitical risks, and the constant demand …