According to the blockchain-powered prediction market Polymarket, bettors are giving Telegram founder Pavel Durov a 36% chance of being released this month. Durov was taken into custody by French judicial police at Le Bourget airport in France, facing allegations related to facilitating crimes such as fraud, terrorism, and drug trafficking. Polymarket’s $ 200K Gamble: …
Vitalik Buterin Raises Concerns Over Telegram CEO’s Arrest and Its Implications for Tech Freedom
Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin has voiced his concerns following the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov in France. Buterin criticized Telegram’s previous approach to encryption but expressed alarm over the arrest, suggesting it poses a threat to software and communication freedom in Europe. He highlighted the shift in public criticism of tech leaders, noting the […]
Donor Gifts 8 BTC to Aid Julian Assange’s Journey to Freedom
Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, has finally embarked on his journey to freedom. The actual flight, however, comes with a hefty price tag of $ 520,000, which Assange is obligated to repay to the Australian government for the charter flight to Saipan and onward to Australia. After enduring 14 years of detention, including …
Ross Ulbricht Immensely Grateful for Potential Path to Freedom Following Trump’s Pledge
Ross Ulbricht, the founder of the Silk Road marketplace, has received a beacon of hope. Former President Donald Trump has made a compassionate pledge to commute Ulbricht’s sentence on his first day back in office, if re-elected. This remarkable gesture has been met with immense gratitude by Ulbricht, who has spent over a decade in […]
Robert Kennedy Jr: Bitcoin Is Inflation Offramp — BTC Is Key to Transactional Freedom
U.S. presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) says bitcoin is the offramp from central banks’ “money printing machine.” Emphasizing that bitcoin is a “hard currency,” he stressed the importance of making the cryptocurrency available to the American public. “Transactional freedom is as important as freedom of speech and you only get that from […]