Avalanche rose to a six-week high on Friday, after the token climbed above a key resistance level. The move saw price rise by as much as 7%, despite the global crypto market cap mostly in the red in today’s session. Toncoin remained higher, following recent gains. Avalanche (AVAX) Avalanche (AVAX) was a big mover …
Biggest Movers: BCH 5% Higher, as BNB Nears Key Price Target
Biggest Movers: SOL Nears $20, BCH 5% Higher on Monday
Solana neared the $ 20.00 level on Monday, as bullish sentiment returned to cryptocurrency markets to start the week. The rise in momentum comes as focus shifts to the upcoming Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting. Bitcoin cash was another notable gainer today. Solana (SOL) Solana bulls pushed the token towards the $ …
Biggest Movers: BCH 6% Higher, as Price Nears $200 Level
Bitcoin cash was one of Tuesday’s biggest movers, as bullish sentiment returned to markets, following recent declines. After huge losses on Monday, bulls have seemingly moved to buy the dip in price, pushing the global market cap 1.55% higher as of writing. Solana also surged in today’s session. Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Bitcoin cash (BCH) rose […]
Biggest Movers: SHIB Hovers Higher, Despite Market Consolidation
Shiba inu was a notable gainer in today’s session, as the cryptocurrency rose for a second straight session. The global market cap is marginally higher at the time of writing, as prices mostly consolidated. Solana retreated from a near one-week high. Shiba Inu (SHIB) Shiba inu (SHIB) was in the green for a second session […]