Kabosu, the Shiba Inu dog from Japan, known worldwide as the face of the “Doge” meme and Dogecoin, has passed away. Adopted by Atsuko Sato in 2008, Kabosu’s image became a viral sensation in 2013 when a photo of her was used in the creation of the “Doge” meme. This meme, characterized by phrases in […]
Iconic ‘Buy Bitcoin’ Sign From Janet Yellen’s Testimony Sells for $1 Million in Crypto Auction
Christian Langalis, famously known as “Bitcoin Sign Guy,” has auctioned the “Buy Bitcoin” sign he displayed during Janet Yellen’s 2017 Congressional testimony for 16 BTC, approximately $ 1 million dollars at current prices. The sign was listed on the Scarce City marketplace, and was drawn on a yellow legal pad with a Uniball Vision …
December Sparks NFT Sales Surge — Bitcoin Dominates as Market Recovers, Iconic Collections Realign
In the wake of a strong rise in non-fungible token (NFT) sales last November, the initial week of December continued this trend, with sales escalating by 57% compared to the previous week. Bitcoin Outshines as NFT Sales Skyrocket in Early December This past week’s NFT sales amounted to approximately $ 316 million. Despite this …
Bored Ape Yacht Club Announces Collaboration With Iconic Japanese Streetwear Brand Bape
According to Yuga Labs, creators of the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), the team has partnered with the popular Japanese fashion brand A Bathing Ape, commonly known as Bape. They plan to unveil a new “irreverent collection” together at Apefest in Hong Kong this November. BAYC Partners With Fashion Brand Bape The Bored Ape Yacht […]