The problem with marketing on social media is that everybody tends to follow the same strategy. From paying for advert placement to using keywords to reach your ideal audience, the fact that all of your competitors are doing the same things as you means that all too often, success has nothing to do with the […]
5 Instagram Story Ideas to Get More Followers
When you think about it, it is rather hard to believe that Instagram stories have reached over 300 million daily users, even if this feature was launched only two years ago. This merely points one thing: they are popular, attracting a greater base of followers. Hence, if you didn’t try using Instagram stories in order […]
Ideas for Making Cash Online from Photography
Whether you are a professional photographer or simply a hobbyist, there are numerous opportunities for making money through selling photos online. Some people are even making cash from photos taken using their mobile phones. This means that you don’t need expensive equipment to succeed, but just a little creativity. Here are some ideas for making […]