Emmanuel Macron, President of France, has disregarded what he qualified as “false information” regarding the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov. In a social media post, Macron stressed that the arrest was part of an investigation carried out by the judiciary and that it was “in no way a political decision,” as some reports claimed. […]
Defi Education Fund on Chevron Doctrine Overruled: ‘It Opens a New Chapter in the Battle for Clear Regulations’
The Defi Education Fund, an organization focused on defending and bringing clarity to decentralized finance, pondered on what the recent overruling of the so-called Chevron doctrine might mean for crypto. The organization explained that this decision marks a new chapter in the battle for clearer regulations in the crypto environment, putting Congress at the forefront […]
Contrary to Crypto Influencer Hype, Data Reveals ‘It is Not Altcoin Season’
Over the past 90 days, while bitcoin has shown steady performance, 19 other cryptocurrencies have outpaced the leading digital asset in terms of price growth. However, the Altcoin Season Index, which measures the performance of these cryptocurrencies against bitcoin, has dropped from 59 to 39 since early April, signaling that an altcoin season is unlikely […]
Donald Trump Acknowledges Bitcoin’s Popularity — Says BTC Has Taken on ‘a Life of Its Own’ and ‘I Can Live With It’
U.S. presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump has acknowledged the growing popularity of bitcoin, stating that “a lot of people are doing it” and the crypto has taken on “a life of its own.” Trump further shared: “More and more I’m seeing people wanting to pay bitcoin and you’re seeing something that’s interesting so […]
Larry David Reflects on Super Bowl FTX Ad: ‘Like an Idiot, I Did It’
At the premiere of “Curb Your Enthusiasm’s” final season, Larry David expressed remorse for his participation in a Super Bowl commercial for FTX, reflecting on the decision as misguided after the cryptocurrency exchange’s bankruptcy. Larry David Admits Regret Over FTX Super Bowl Ad: ‘Like an Idiot, I Did It’ Larry David, the creator behind “Seinfeld” […]