Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was reportedly unaware of an arrest warrant issued against him in France, according to a source from the Paris prosecutor’s office. The French investigation was not linked to any U.S. actions. Neither President Emmanuel Macron nor the French foreign ministry were informed in advance of Durov’s arrest or presence in France. […]
Zero Knowledge Rollups as a Service Hasten the ‘Implementation of Secure and Scalable Networks’ — Alvaro Fernandez
Alvaro Fernandez, the Chief Operations Officer (COO) at Lumoz, has stated that while zero-knowledge rollups have demonstrated exceptional security and scalability, the technology is still not user-friendly. To address this issue, networks should opt for ZK Rollups-as-a-Service (ZK-RaaS) because this simplifies the creation process for a single ZK-Rollup. This makes them “more accessible for developers […]