Sixteen years ago, the world witnessed the launch of a groundbreaking peer-to-peer electronic cash system, Bitcoin, by its enigmatic creator, Satoshi Nakamoto. This innovation sparked a revolution in how people perceive money, currency, and financial assets. Since the release of the Genesis block, over 877,000 blocks have been mined on the decentralized ledger network, marking […]
Telegram to Support TON-Based NFT Gifts Later This Year
The founder of Telegram has announced plans to support TON-based non-fungible token (NFT) gifts later this year. This new feature will allow users to convert limited-edition animated gifts into NFTs on the TON blockchain. These tokenized gifts can be displayed on user profiles or traded for Telegram’s in-app currency, Stars. Additionally, users will have the […]
Steno Research: Spot ETFs Will Take Ether to $6,500 Later This Year
Steno Research, an independent macroeconomics, geopolitical, and crypto research house, has predicted that the spot ether ETF, presumed to start trading in early July, will take ETH to $ 6,500. Steno’s latest post on the subject forecasts that Ether ETFs will perform better than leading analysts have predicted, bringing up to $ 20 …