Chainlink surged by nearly 4% during Tuesday’s session, as the token moved towards a one-week high. The move came as cryptocurrencies rebounded, following a slow start to the week. Solana was another big mover, as it headed towards the $ 24.00 level. Chainlink (LINK) Chainlink (LINK) was one of Tuesday’s biggest movers, as price …
Biggest Movers: XLM, LINK 20% Higher on Thursday
Chainlink rose by as much as 20% earlier in today’s session, as markets reacted to the release of its Chainlink Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP). Traders were buoyed by the news, pushing the token to its highest level since April in the process. Stellar rose to a one-week high today. Chainlink (LINK) Chainlink (LINK) was one […]
WordPress 6.3 Makes the “Edit Site” Link Open the Current Template
WordPress 6.3 will make site editing several clicks faster for users who are moving from the frontend to edit the corresponding template. When you click the “Edit Site” link in the admin bar from a category page, for example, you currently get dumped out into the Site Editor on the home page. From here …