Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of Telegram, made his first public statement after his arrest in Paris. He was questioned by French authorities for four days over claims that he could be held responsible for illegal activities of Telegram users. Durov expressed surprise, citing that Telegram has an official representative for such matters. He pledged […]
Paris Prosecutor’s Office Reveals Telegram CEO’s Arrest in Major Cybercrime Probe
The Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office has disclosed the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, who was detained at Le Bourget airport on August 24, 2024. Durov is currently in police custody as part of an extensive judicial investigation. The probe, launched on July 8, 2024, involves multiple serious charges, including complicity in illegal transactions, child […]
Tezos Activates 16th Upgrade ‘Paris’: Boosting Throughput and Performance
Tezos, a blockchain known for its onchain governance system, has activated its 16th protocol upgrade, Paris, on mainnet on June 4th, 2024. This upgrade introduces the Data Availability Layer (DAL), which boosts Layer 2 throughput and unlocks new use cases in gaming, ticketing, and services requiring high-speed transactions. The upgrade also reduces block times to […]
PSG Token Soars After Paris Saint-Germain Defeats Barcelona; CITY Dips Following Elimination of English Champions
The value of the fan token for the French football club, Paris Saint-Germain, briefly surged from just over $ 4.30 to $ 5 after they knocked the Spanish football giants, FC Barcelona, out of the UEFA Champions League. However, the token for the English champions, Manchester City, plunged by nearly 20% after the …
Blockchain Firm Raises Millions From Andreessen Horowitz, Paris Hilton to Help Monetize AI Mashups
Investors led by Andreessen Horowitz have backed a company that has set out to help content creators monetize their work in the age of artificial intelligence (AI). The tech firm intends to employ blockchain technology to track remixes and mashups that have been spreading online since the invent of AI tools like Chatgpt. Investors Pledge […]