After the fall of Samourai Wallet’s founders, a new platform emerged from a mysterious group who forked the project, naming it the Ashigaru Open Source Project. The team behind Ashigaru has shared their vision, stating, “Anyone should be able to engage in peaceful, voluntary and private commerce on the internet without tracking, surveillance or censorship.” […]
Singapore’s Parliament Addresses Worldcoin Account Misuse and Privacy Risks
Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister Gan Kim Yong addressed concerns in Parliament regarding the risks of Worldcoin’s operations in Singapore, including potential money laundering through the sale of accounts. He emphasized that although Worldcoin does not perform a payment service under current laws, buying or selling accounts may constitute a violation. Investigations are ongoing, and the […]
Changenow Partners With Privacy Token Zano to Expand Cryptocurrency Offerings
Changenow has announced a strategic partnership with Zano Project, integrating the $ ZANO cryptocurrency into its platform. This collaboration aims to expand the variety of digital assets available for exchange on Changenow, providing users with more options for seamless and secure transactions. Changenow is a non-custodial cryptocurrency exchange known for its fast, unlimited cross-chain …
Monero Begins Integration of New Privacy Feature (FCMP++) to Enhance Transaction Security
The Monero team has announced the initiation of a new privacy feature integration, known as Full-Chain Membership Proofs (FCMP++). This feature aims to significantly enhance transaction security and privacy on the Monero network by proving that the output spent is one of any output on the chain. This effectively removes various risks and increases the […]
Privacy Concerns Worry Germany About the Possible Implementation of a Digital Euro
While the European Central Bank is studying the possible issuance of a Europe-wide CBDC, the digital euro, not all Europeans are fully behind this idea. Germany is particularly concerned about the privacy aspects of this implementation, as most transactions and payments are still made using cash, and citizens are reluctant to share their personal information. […]