Grass, an artificial intelligence Depin project, has announced the inclusion of Solana wallets as part of its ongoing rewards distribution process. Grass stated that this new addition will allow them to track the origin of each piece of scraped data and reward the node providing this info according to its relative value. AI Depin Project […]
Cross Border CBDC Project Mbridge Enters MVP Stage
Project Mbridge, the cross-border central bank digital currency (CBDC) project that seeks to integrate several currencies into a global network, has reached its minimum viable product stage. This means that each one of the participant central banks has deployed a validating node in the network, that is ready to perform real-value transactions CBDC Project Mbridge […]
Central Bank of Qatar Announces CBDC Project
The Central Bank of Qatar recently announced the completion of the infrastructure development supporting an in-house-built CBDC. The bank estimates that the project will enter its experimental stages this year in October, allowing several national and international banks to test the functionality of this pilot by facilitating large payments among them. Qatar Announces CBDC Experimental […]
Metaverse Project “Genso Meta” Announces MV Chain With Arbitrum Orbit to Improve User Experience
PRESS RELEASE. Since its launch, Genso Meta has been actively developing applications that combine gaming and blockchain technology. Beyond Play2Earn, Genso introduced UGC2EARN, allowing players to create and profit from content. They’ve also partnered with Hikone Castle in Japan to blur the lines between the virtual and real world for their users. With over 340,000 […]
#118 – Nahuai Badiola on Digital Sustainability Across the Whole WordPress Project
[00:00:00] Nathan Wrigley: Welcome to the Jukebox podcast from WP Tavern. My name is Nathan Wrigley. Jukebox is a podcast, which is dedicated to all things WordPress. The people, the events, the plugins, the blocks, the themes, and in this case, sustainability across the whole WordPress project. If you’d like to subscribe …