Welcome to Latam Insights Encore, a deep dive into Latin America’s most relevant economic and cryptocurrency news from last week. In this edition, we discuss how other countries can learn to use bitcoin as a rebranding tool, following El Salvador’s example. Latam Insights Encore: Other Countries Can Also Use Bitcoin as a Technological Rebranding Tool […]
Latam Insights: Bukele Used Bitcoin as a Rebranding Tool; Bitcoin Mining Companies Stop Operating in Paraguay After Power Fee Hikes
Welcome to Latam Insights, a compendium of Latin America’s most relevant crypto and economic news from the past week. In this issue: Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele acknowledges that bitcoin rebranded the country, some bitcoin mining companies have stopped operating in Paraguay after the recent power fee hikes, and Argentines lead Latam in stablecoin adoption. Bukele […]
Bukele States Bitcoin Was an Effective Rebranding Tool for El Salvador
President Nayib Bukele pondered how El Salvador adopted the bitcoin banner and evaluated how it has fared for the country so far. In a recent interview given to Time magazine, Bukele admits that while Bitcoin adoption has not grown as he expected, adopting bitcoin as a legal tender worked as a rebranding for the nation. […]