Fifteen years ago, on a memorable Halloween night, Satoshi Nakamoto introduced the world to Bitcoin through a white paper that laid the foundation for decentralized digital currencies. Published on a cryptography mailing list, this seminal document provided a comprehensive solution to the long-standing double-spending problem without the need for a trusted third party. A …
New Research Suggests Hal Finney Was Not Satoshi Nakamoto
In an extensive analysis, the American software engineer and columnist Jameson Lopp tackles the enduring mystery of Bitcoin’s creator, Satoshi Nakamoto. While many have speculated that computer scientist Hal Finney was behind the pseudonym, Lopp presents several compelling instances that counter this theory. Here’s what Lopp’s research unveiled. The Satoshi Mystery: Jameson Lopp’s Research Debunks […]
Unraveling the Online Legacy of Satoshi Nakamoto: Bitcoin’s Mysterious Creator
The mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto appeared online nearly 600 times through emails and forum posts. Records of Nakamoto’s writings indicate he was most active in July and August. While Nakamoto covered many topics, Bitcoin’s inventor was notably visible when sharing new release candidates, discussing the addition of password protection to Bitcoin’s JSON-RPC interface, and addressing the […]
‘Verified Satoshi’ Handle on X Triggers Debate Among Bitcoin Circles, Elon Musk Called to Act
On the social media platform X (formally Twitter), an account created in 2018 is causing a lot of uproar as the account is called “@satoshi,” and has a verified check mark confirming its identity. A few bitcoin influencers have called on Elon Musk to remove the account’s checkmark, and others, including a Community Notes post, […]
Decade-Old Wisdom: Unpacking Satoshi Nakamoto’s Definitive Quote on Bitcoin Transaction Challenges, 13 Years On
Thirteen years ago to the day, the enigmatic creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, pronounced a quote that has since reverberated across various contexts. This prominent aphorism: “If you don’t believe me or don’t get it, I don’t have time to try to convince you, sorry,” was Nakamoto’s curt response to questions surrounding the potential solutions […]