According to Pavel Salas, the chief growth officer at Gear Foundation, on-chain smart contract automation makes applications “truly decentralized” because it “removes dependencies on centralized servers or external entities.” Salas also claimed that on-chain smart contract automation means participants can “engage in transactions or exchanges without relying on a central authority.” Webassembly Not a ‘Direct […]
What Are Smart Contracts? Unpacking Today’s Digital Agreements
In the digital currency realm, smart contracts have enhanced the financial industry through tokenization, decentralized finance (defi) and other agreements in the form of self-executing code. But how exactly do they work? What benefits do they offer? Here’s a concise overview of smart contracts and their profound effect on trust and collaboration in our interconnected […]
Opensea Phases Out BNB Smart Chain Support, Citing Resource Alignment With Promising Efforts
One of the largest non-fungible token (NFT) platforms, Opensea, has declared its decision to withdraw BNB Smart Chain (BSC) support. Opensea revealed that the “cost to continue supporting BSC outweighs the impact.” Opensea Pivots Away From BNB Smart Chain in Strategy Re-evaluation On August 18, 2023, Opensea proclaimed that they would cease BSC support after […]
Best Money Tips: Smart Ways to Use a Pay Raise
5 Smart Strategies to Rank Your Website on Top
Although a struggle, it is imperative to stay relevant in this competitive digital world. SEO has been here since the beginning of internet services, the only thing that has changed is its evolution. The web marketing strategy, SEO, elevates your visibility in search engines. It is your aim, as is of all other websites, to […]