Renowned NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden gave his take regarding the recent arrest in France of Telegram founder Pavel Durov. Snowden blasted the French government’s actions, stating that these constituted an “assault on the basic human rights of speech and association.” Snowden called for people to “wake up,” highlighting the attack that world governments have mounted […]
Edward Snowden Highlights Political Pitfalls and Privacy Issues in BTC at Bitcoin 2024 Event
The renowned whistleblower Edward Snowden, former CIA and NSA contractor, delivered a powerful speech emphasizing the pitfalls of political allegiance and the privacy concerns surrounding Bitcoin. He urged individuals to participate in voting but warned against blindly following political ideologies. Snowden’s Bitcoin 2024 Keynote: Vote Independently and Beware of Bitcoin’s Privacy Risks During his keynote […]
Edward Snowden on NYSE Trading Halts: ‘Bitcoin Fixes This’
On Monday, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) encountered a series of unexpected trading halts affecting stocks such as Chipotle and Berkshire Hathaway. Berkshire shares plummeted 99.7%, while Chipotle’s stock fell 66%. In response to the event, renowned whistleblower Edward Snowden took to social media, asserting that “bitcoin fixes this.” NYSE Disruptions Trigger Stock Falls; […]
Kiyosaki’s Crash Survival Rules, Snowden Warns Bitcoin Devs, and More — Week in Review
Robert Kiyosaki warns of an impending severe market crash and advises investing in assets like bitcoin, gold, and silver. Edward Snowden has issued a stern warning to Bitcoin developers, urging them to enhance privacy features at the protocol level. In Kenya, President William Ruto has enlisted Marathon Digital, a U.S.-based Bitcoin mining firm, to consult […]
Snowden Issues ‘Final Warning’ to Bitcoin Developers on Privacy Enhancements
In the wake of the U.S. intensifying its clampdown on privacy-oriented software and Zksnacks closing its coordinated coinjoin service, Edward Snowden, the NSA whistleblower and former contractor, has issued a stern warning to Bitcoin developers. Snowden emphasizes that time is running out for enhancing privacy and insists it must be integrated at the protocol level. […]