On Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2024, HBO premiered its highly anticipated documentary “Money Electric,” offering a deep dive into the origins of Bitcoin. Directed by Cullen Hoback, renowned for his work on the Qanon series “Q: Into the Storm,” the film brought together a range of voices from the cryptocurrency space, including developers, early adopters, and […]
Senator Warren Slams Citibank’s Ongoing Failures — Suggests Breaking up Citi
Senator Elizabeth Warren has called for bold action from regulators, urging the acting head of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) to address Citibank’s persistent operational failures. Warren stated that Citibank may be “too-big-to-manage,” citing years of regulatory missteps and mishandled reforms, despite ongoing penalties. The letter suggests that breaking up the […]
Bitcoin Inflows Reach $543 Million as Powell Suggests Rate Cuts, Coinshares Reports
Coinshares, led by researcher James Butterfill, reports a significant uptick in bitcoin inflows following recent comments from Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell. The investment surge reflects the market’s response to potential interest rate cuts hinted at during the Jackson Hole Symposium. Powell’s Comments Correlate With $ 543 Million Bitcoin Inflow, Coinshares Observes According to …
Ex-Fed Advisor Suggests US Is Already in a Recession as Airbnb Cautions on Economic Slowdown
On Tuesday, following a sharp downturn the day before, the top five U.S. benchmark indices made a recovery. However, Airbnb, the prominent vacation rental company, reported that it does not foresee a strong third quarter due to a slowdown in demand, driven by ongoing economic concerns. Meanwhile, Danielle DiMartino Booth, a former advisor at the […]
Trump Suggests Paying off $35 Trillion National Debt With Bitcoin — Wants US to Be Leader in Crypto
Former U.S. President Donald Trump emphasized the importance of the U.S. leading in cryptocurrency, suggesting that the government could pay off its $ 35 trillion national debt with bitcoin. He described crypto as “a different form of currency” that is already “prominent” and “massive,” stating that “it’s going to end up benefiting the country.” …