Three former servicemen in India have lodged a complaint with the Chandannagar police, Pune, accusing eight officials from a trading firm of defrauding them of over Rs. 79.81 lakh (approximately $ 96,000) through a cryptocurrency scam since 2022. The ex-servicemen had invested their retirement savings in cryptocurrency, lured by promises of doubling their investment …
FBI Warns of Sophisticated North Korean Cyber Attacks Targeting Crypto, Defi, ETFs
The FBI has issued a new warning about North Korea’s cyber campaigns targeting the cryptocurrency sector. The agency highlighted the use of sophisticated, hard-to-detect social engineering tactics to deploy malware and steal digital assets. North Korean hackers are reportedly focusing on decentralized finance (defi) platforms and cryptocurrency exchange-traded funds (ETFs). FBI Warns of North Korean […]
CFTC Warns of Follow-on Frauds Targeting Victims Multiple Times
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) warns about repeated fraud targeting victims multiple times, often by the same criminals. Common fraud types include relationship crypto frauds, also known as “pig butchering,” where scammers form online relationships, encourage investments in bogus crypto trading schemes, and then steal funds. Victims often face additional scams, such as fraud-recovery […]
FBI Seizes $2.5M in Crypto From Thailand-Based Pig Butchering Scam Targeting Americans
The U.S. Attorney’s Office has launched a civil forfeiture action to reclaim cryptocurrency seized by the FBI from international fraudsters involved in “pig butchering” schemes. This initiative aims to return the stolen funds to victims and hold criminals accountable. “The rate at which bad actors are using elaborate pig-butchering scams to defraud innocent people is […]
T-Rex Group Files for Leveraged ETFs Targeting Microstrategy’s Bitcoin-Heavy Portfolio
T-Rex Group has filed for exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that aim to leverage the daily performance of Microstrategy Incorporated (MSTR). The proposed ETFs will take 2x long and 2x inverse positions in MSTR, magnifying its daily stock performance by 200%. T-Rex Group Files for Microstrategy ETFs, Dubbed the ‘Ghost Pepper of ETF Hot Sauce’ T-Rex Group, […]