On Tuesday, HBO premiered its documentary “Money Electric,” attempting to portray software developer and Bitcoin contributor Peter Todd as the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto. Following the broadcast, Todd quickly took to X to set the record straight, stating, “I’m not Satoshi.” His response ignited a lively discussion across social media, with many in the crypto community […]
Argentina Records First Week of Zero Inflation in 30 Years; Milei Claims He’s Redefining Economic Theory
Argentina is reaping its first rewards in the fight against inflation, as a private consulting firm found that the inflation in food and beverages reached 0% during June’s third week. President Javier Milei celebrated this achievement, stating that his administration was rewriting economic theory and that he might receive the Nobel prize if successful. Javier […]
Bitcoin’s Path to Money: Menger’s Theory and the Debate on Medium of Exchange vs. Store of Value
Over the past ten years, fervent supporters of digital currency have engaged in intense debates: Is bitcoin (BTC) designed as peer-to-peer electronic cash as illustrated in Satoshi’s groundbreaking white paper, or does it serve as a digital store of value, similar to gold? Additionally, a central question emerges regarding the primary role of money: should […]
SEC Charges Impact Theory in First NFT-Related Lawsuit Over Unregistered Token Sales
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has charged Los Angeles-based media company Impact Theory with offering and selling unregistered securities in the form of crypto asset tokens. Notably, this marks the SEC’s first lawsuit targeting an NFT offering. SEC Sues Impact Theory Over $ 30M in NFT Sales From October 2021 to December …