Billionaire Elon Musk has revealed that he is turning his social media platform X, formerly Twitter, into an all-encompassing financial platform. “When I say payments, I actually mean someone’s entire financial life … If it involves money. It’ll be on our platform,” he claimed, emphasizing: “You won’t need a bank account.” Elon Musk’s Plan for […]
Bank of Russia Predicts Digital Ruble Won’t End Other Payment Methods
The Central Bank of Russia does not expect the introduction of the digital ruble to end the popularity of other non-cash and cash payment options. According to statements offered by Alla Bakina, director of the bank’s national payment system department, other non-cash payment options have reached over 80% of the total payment transactions in Russia. […]
‘I Won’t Tell if You Don’t’ — SEC Unearths Alleged Scheme by Do Kwon to Fabricate Terra Transactions
In the wake of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) call to depose Terraform Labs creator and former CEO Do Kwon, the SEC unveiled an alleged exchange between him and his former associate Daniel Shin. The ex-Terra boss reportedly claimed he could fabricate transactions on the Terra blockchain to render them authentic and accrue […]
Kids Won’t Be Able to Spend Mom’s Digital Ruble as They Wish, Russian Official Says
The new form of Russia’s fiat, the digital ruble, will make spending more efficient for both government and family budgets, according to a high-ranking lawmaker. Anatoly Aksakov, who was involved in the recent adoption of the new digital ruble legislation, highlighted some of the advantages of programmable central bank money as he sees them. Central […]
Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman Says US Dollar Dominance Won’t Last Forever but Doubts Chinese Yuan Can Replace USD
Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman says the U.S. dollar’s dominance “won’t last forever.” While recognizing the global de-dollarization trend, he expressed skepticism about the Chinese yuan’s ability to replace the U.S. dollar as the world’s dominant currency. Economist Paul Krugman on U.S. Dollar Dominance and Chinese Yuan Nobel laureate Paul Krugman discussed the U.S. dollar’s […]