Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was reportedly unaware of an arrest warrant issued against him in France, according to a source from the Paris prosecutor’s office. The French investigation was not linked to any U.S. actions. Neither President Emmanuel Macron nor the French foreign ministry were informed in advance of Durov’s arrest or presence in France. […]
Outrage Grows Over Macron’s Alleged Dinner Invite Luring Durov to France on Arrest Day
Telegram founder Pavel Durov was reportedly scheduled to dine with French President Emmanuel Macron on the day he was arrested, sparking controversy. French authorities detained Durov, and reports indicate that he had informed them about the planned meeting. The allegations led to a political backlash, with accusations against Macron for stifling free speech. Did Macron […]
Tether CEO Criticizes Durov’s Arrest, States Europe Is ‘Falling Into Dark Ages’
Paolo Ardoino, CEO of Tether, one of the largest companies in the cryptocurrency industry, has criticized the arrest of Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov. On social media, Ardoino stated this development was concerning for society as a whole and stressed that if it loses the battle, “dark ages will be our future.” Tether CEO […]
French President Emmanuel Macron Dismisses ‘False Information’ on Pavel Durov’s Arrest; ‘It Is in No Way a Political Decision’
Emmanuel Macron, President of France, has disregarded what he qualified as “false information” regarding the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov. In a social media post, Macron stressed that the arrest was part of an investigation carried out by the judiciary and that it was “in no way a political decision,” as some reports claimed. […]
Edward Snowden: Pavel Durov’s Arrest Is an Assault on Basic Human Rights
Renowned NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden gave his take regarding the recent arrest in France of Telegram founder Pavel Durov. Snowden blasted the French government’s actions, stating that these constituted an “assault on the basic human rights of speech and association.” Snowden called for people to “wake up,” highlighting the attack that world governments have mounted […]