Chainlink surged by nearly 4% during Tuesday’s session, as the token moved towards a one-week high. The move came as cryptocurrencies rebounded, following a slow start to the week. Solana was another big mover, as it headed towards the $ 24.00 level. Chainlink (LINK) Chainlink (LINK) was one of Tuesday’s biggest movers, as price …
Hydro Expansion: Bitfarms Begins 50 MW Bitcoin Mining Farm Buildout in Paraguay
Bitfarms Ltd. has started development on a new 50-megawatt (MW) Bitcoin mining facility in Paraguay, the company announced on August 7, 2023. The farm will be located in Paso Pe near Bitfarms’ existing mining operations in Villarrica and is expected to be fully operational in the first quarter of 2024. Bitfarms to Pioneer Hydro-Cooled …