ClassicPress, the fork that has been keeping WordPress 4.9 on life support for those who don’t want to use the block editor, will soon be moving into version 2.0 after the community voted to re-fork a newer version of WordPress (6.x) to keep moving forward. Version 1.6.0 was released a few …
WordPress Plans Ambitious Admin UI Revamp with Design System, Galvanizing Broad Support from the Developer Community
WordPress’ admin is on deck for a long-awaited makeover after Gutenberg lead architect Matías Ventura published plans for a revamped admin design as part of the Phase 3: Collaboration road map. “As WordPress turns twenty years old, the overall aim of this work is to improve upon this experience at a foundational …
Toot the Word Survey Finds Mastodon Increasingly Important to WordPress’ Community of Tooters
More than 200 users on Mastodon who consider themselves part of the WordPress community, responded to the recent Toot the Word 2023 Survey, which was conducted by the admins of five WordPress-oriented Mastodon instances. The purpose of the survey was to help those running these instances understand how important Mastodon is for the WordPress …