Renowned billionaire Jeffrey Gundlach, also known as the “Bond King,” has raised concerns over the potential risk to the U.S. dollar’s reserve currency status due to rising national debt. “The future of the U.S. dollar, and possibly out-of-control inflation, depends on getting the budget and spending under control,” Gundlach warned. Jeffrey Gundlach on Future of […]
Fed Governor Questions Need for US Central Bank Digital Currency
A top Federal Reserve official said Tuesday she has yet to be convinced there is a need for the U.S. central bank to develop a digital currency. Fed Governor Remains Unconvinced on U.S. CBDC, Cites Existing Innovations and Risks In a discourse at Harvard Law School, Fed Governor Michelle Bowman articulated that the case for […]
Latam Insights: Argentina Announces National Digital Currency While Peso Sinks, Volcano Energy Launches Lava Pool
Welcome to Latam Insights, a compendium of Latin America’s most relevant crypto and economic news during the last week. In this issue: The Argentine government announces a national digital currency project, Volcano Energy launches Lava Pool, the first Salvadoran Bitcoin mining pool, and a resolution that allows investment funds to invest in cryptocurrency comes into […]
Joe Rogan Says Bitcoin Is the Most Likely Contender for a ‘Universal Viable Currency’
This week, Openai’s CEO, Sam Altman, delved into the nuances of artificial intelligence (AI) on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast. As they conversed, Rogan articulated that the “real fascinating crypto is bitcoin.” He then expounded on his belief that bitcoin holds the most promise to emerge as “a universal viable currency.” Openai’s Sam Altman and […]
Robert Kennedy Jr. Promises to End White House War on Bitcoin — Says We Need ‘Freedom Currency’ That Government Can’t Control
U.S. presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) has promised to end the White House’s war on bitcoin if he is elected President of the United States. “I’m going to make sure that bitcoin is protected, that people can keep their own wallets, that the current White House war on bitcoin will be over, […]