Renowned NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden gave his take regarding the recent arrest in France of Telegram founder Pavel Durov. Snowden blasted the French government’s actions, stating that these constituted an “assault on the basic human rights of speech and association.” Snowden called for people to “wake up,” highlighting the attack that world governments have mounted […]
Russia Seeks Clarification From France on Telegram CEO Pavel Durov’s Arrest
The Russian Foreign Ministry has disclosed that its embassy in France has sought clarification on the detention of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov. The embassy stated that it aims to protect his rights, but France has been uncooperative. Durov’s arrest has sparked controversy, with Russian officials labeling him a political prisoner. Russia Seeks Answers on Telegram […]
36% Chance for Durov’s Freedom in August: Polymarket’s High-Stakes Bet on Telegram Founder’s Fate
According to the blockchain-powered prediction market Polymarket, bettors are giving Telegram founder Pavel Durov a 36% chance of being released this month. Durov was taken into custody by French judicial police at Le Bourget airport in France, facing allegations related to facilitating crimes such as fraud, terrorism, and drug trafficking. Polymarket’s $ 200K Gamble: …
Rumble CEO Leaves Europe After Pavel Durov’s Arrest
Chris Pavlovski, founder and CEO of Rumble, an independent online video platform, has reported that he left Europe after the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov. Pavlovski criticized the measures taken against Durov, stating that France had “crossed a red line” by arresting him for not censoring speech. “Rumble will not stand for this behavior […]