A Gujarat-based man, Shailesh Babulal Bhatt, was arrested under the anti-money laundering law in connection with kidnapping and extortion cases, including a significant cryptocurrency-related crime exceeding Rs 1,200 crore ($ 144 million), according to the Enforcement Directorate (ED). Bhatt was taken into custody following a money-laundering probe initiated by the ED based on FIRs …
Binance Goes Live in India: Full Access for Indian Users
Binance has registered as a reporting entity with India’s Financial Intelligence Unit. Binance CEO Richard Teng emphasized the importance of the Indian market and the crypto exchange’s dedication to providing secure and efficient services. With this registration, Indian users now have full access to Binance’s platform. Binance Now Fully Available for Indian Users Crypto exchange […]
BRICS Countries Deem US Dollar Less Important in Global Trade, Says Indian Expert
The vice chairman of the BRICS Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Sameep Shastri, has highlighted the economic bloc’s shift away from reliance on the U.S. dollar, opting instead to trade using their national currencies like the Russian ruble, Indian rupee, and Chinese yuan. He underscored the importance of economic self-reliance and the challenge to Western […]
Indian Court Reaffirms Legality of Cryptocurrency, Grants Bail to Yes World CEO
The Orissa High Court in India has reaffirmed that cryptocurrency trading and transactions are neither banned nor deemed illegal in India. Citing the legality of crypto, the court granted bail to Sandeep Chowdhury, CEO of Yes World, who was accused of defrauding investors through a Ponzi scheme disguised as a cryptocurrency business. Orissa High Court […]
Indian Crypto Exchange Wazirx Updates on Major Multisig Wallet Hack
Indian cryptocurrency exchange Wazirx has provided an update on the over $ 230 million security breach in its multisig wallet, which involved Liminal’s custody services. The exchange detailed the incident and ongoing recovery efforts, promising transparency and further updates. “We have already blocked a few deposits and reached out to concerned wallets for recovery,” …