Toncoin rallied to a fresh seven-month high on Tuesday, as Telegram founder Pavel Durov revealed more details about its recent partnership with the blockchain. Generally, the crypto market cap has been higher in the past days, mostly in anticipation of Wednesday’s Federal Reserve interest rate announcement. Solana surged above $ 20.00. Toncoin (TON) Toncoin …
Biggest Movers: SOL Nears $20, BCH 5% Higher on Monday
Solana neared the $ 20.00 level on Monday, as bullish sentiment returned to cryptocurrency markets to start the week. The rise in momentum comes as focus shifts to the upcoming Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting. Bitcoin cash was another notable gainer today. Solana (SOL) Solana bulls pushed the token towards the $ …
Biggest Movers: TON Surges 14% on Saturday, SHIB Hits 1-Week High
Biggest Movers: XRP Surges to 2-Week High, SOL Maintains Recent Momentum
Biggest Movers: TRX Rises to Strongest Point Since July, SOL Extends Gains
Tron was a big mover on Thursday, as recent reports suggest that the blockchain platform has been processing an average of 4.8 million daily transactions. The token has now surged higher for three consecutive sessions, and looks set to collide with a key resistance level. Solana was also in the green today. Tron (TRX) Tron […]