Renowned billionaire Jeffrey Gundlach, also known as the “Bond King,” has raised concerns over the potential risk to the U.S. dollar’s reserve currency status due to rising national debt. “The future of the U.S. dollar, and possibly out-of-control inflation, depends on getting the budget and spending under control,” Gundlach warned. Jeffrey Gundlach on Future of […]
Latam Insights: Argentina Announces National Digital Currency While Peso Sinks, Volcano Energy Launches Lava Pool
Welcome to Latam Insights, a compendium of Latin America’s most relevant crypto and economic news during the last week. In this issue: The Argentine government announces a national digital currency project, Volcano Energy launches Lava Pool, the first Salvadoran Bitcoin mining pool, and a resolution that allows investment funds to invest in cryptocurrency comes into […]
Argentine Peso Reaches Record Lows After National Digital Currency Push
The Argentine peso reached record lows Wednesday after the economy minister and presidential candidate Sergio Massa proposed issuing a national digital currency. The informal blue exchange rate rose to 850 pesos per dollar, later retracing to 843 pesos per greenback. Massa stated he would send an Argentine digital currency proposal to Congress. Argentine Peso Reaches […]
Argentine Economy Minister Sergio Massa Proposes National Digital Currency
Sergio Massa, Argentine economy minister and presidential candidate, has announced that, if elected, his new government plan would include launching a national digital currency that local media has called the “crypto peso.” Massa also stated that this plan would involve a tax reduction for transactions that use this new currency. Argentine Presidential Candidate Sergio Massa […]
Venezuelan Authorities Find Grenade Launchers, Bitcoin Miners, and Even a Zoo in a National Jail
Venezuelan authorities found weapons of war, a discotheque, pools, a zoo, and even a makeshift Bitcoin mining farm in a raid completed on a national jail. The raid, executed in the Tocoron National Penitentiary Center, located in the Aragua state, mobilized 11,000 military officers to take control of the center. Bitcoin Miners, Grenades, and Weapons […]