Balaji Srinivasan has announced that his Network School has received an overwhelming response, with thousands of applications pouring in from over 80 countries. In light of this unprecedented interest, the school is expanding its capacity to accommodate more students. Admission decisions will be communicated soon, marking a significant milestone in Srinivasan’s vision of creating innovative, […]
Tens of Thousands Show Overwhelming Support for Abolishing the Fed, US Policymaker’s Poll Reveals
On May 15, Thomas Massie, a Republican member of the United States House of Representatives, posted on X, inquiring whether he should introduce legislation to abolish the U.S. Federal Reserve. The poll garnered over 115,000 votes, with a significant 86% majority opting to “end the Fed.” Rep. Thomas Massie Questions Introducing Bill to Abolish U.S. […]
Coinbase: ‘Overwhelming Majority’ of Terror-Related Funding Still Funneled via Traditional Financial Systems
According to Coinbase, an overwhelming majority of terror-related funding is still done via traditional financial systems. The crypto exchange suggested that terrorist organizations that do receive crypto funding normally use “offshore entities” when attempting liquidate such digital asset holdings. ‘Clear Rules of the Road’ Terrorist organizations that do receive funding in the form of crypto […]