Russian Telegram users now have more media freedom than Europeans, as EU censorship grows—raising alarms over the future of free expression across digital platforms. Pavel Durov Exposes Media Censorship Divide Between EU and Russia Telegram’s CEO, Pavel Durov, has criticized media restrictions in the European Union, highlighting what he described as greater freedom for Russian […]
Rising Peaks and Waning Steam—Is Bitcoin’s $100K Milestone Out of Reach?
Bitcoin (BTC) recently brushed the $ 99,800 mark, making it tantalizingly close to the elusive $ 100,000 milestone. This achievement sparks reflection on past trends and the cryptocurrency’s potential trajectory in the months and years ahead. Breaking Barriers or Cooling Down? Bitcoin’s $ 100K Struggle Back in 2017, bitcoin (BTC) approached $ …
Immortal Rising 2: A Play-to-Airdrop Dark Fantasy Adventure
Regina explores Immortal Rising 2, a blockchain-powered RPG blending strategic gameplay, immersive lore, and innovative tokenomics. Last Episode’s Quick Recap Etherscape is the perfect lite-rogue dungeon RPG for beginners who love unlocking adventures in the world of dungeons! With its immersive gameplay, strategic NFT integration, and player-driven economy, it transforms gaming into a collaborative experience […]
Experts: Crypto In Early Stages of Growth Despite Rising Adoption
The crypto industry is still in its early stages of growth, despite a significant increase in adoption rates. Experts believe that the sector’s future depends on factors like regulatory developments and market stability. Singapore has emerged as a leading crypto hub due to its favorable regulatory environment and government support, partly driven by China’s crackdown […]
Glassnode Reports Rising Bitcoin Hashrate, ETF Outflows, and Lower Investor Engagement
Glassnode’s latest report reveals a persistent rise in Bitcoin’s hashrate despite falling revenues for miners. Concurrently, investor engagement with exchanges and trade volumes are showing a notable decline, reflecting reduced appetite for speculation. Miners Persist Amid Bitcoin Market Challenges as Investors Reduce Activity Bitcoin miners continue to demonstrate resilience, as highlighted in Glassnode’s onchain report. […]