The renowned ‘epic satoshi’ from the fourth halving block, also known as Sat # 1,968,750,000,000,000, fetched a price of 33.3 bitcoins, valued at just over $ 2.13 million on Thursday afternoon Eastern Standard Time. This satoshi, the smallest denomination of BTC, was sold for an astonishing 338 billion percent more than the typical value …
Exclusive ‘Epic Satoshi’ Auction Launches, Bids Already Double to 2 BTC
Coinex has launched the auction for the ‘epic satoshi’ from the fourth halving, originally mined by the mining pool Viabtc. This event, marking Sat # 1,968,750,000,000,000, commenced with a starting bid of 1 bitcoin. Following ten subsequent bids, the highest offer has reached 2 bitcoins ($ 132,298). This heightened interest in the rare satoshi …
Crypto Exchange Coinex Set to Auction ‘Epic Satoshi’ From Halving Block for 1 BTC Minimum
At 8:09 p.m. ET on April 19, 2024, the mining pool Viabtc successfully excavated block 840,000. This block notably encompassed 37.625 bitcoins from transaction fees, alongside a 3.125 bitcoin reward. This significant block also included a rare bitcoin element known as the “epic sat,” which some estimations value highly. On Monday, Viabtc Group’s exchange Coinex […]
Foundry to Isolate and Monetize Bitcoin Halving’s ‘Epic Satoshi,’ Distributing Earnings Among Pool Members
Foundry, a digital assets mining and staking company, has announced that it plans to monetize what it has called the “epic satoshi,” the first satoshi of the halving block, via Ordinals. If the company mines it through its mining pool, it plans to distribute the proceeds to its members based on the hashrate on the […]
UK Judge Freezes Craig Wright’s Assets Worth $7M Amid Satoshi Nakamoto Identity Dispute
After Judge James Mellor in the U.K. rendered his decision in the notable lawsuit initiated by the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA) against Craig Wright, he concluded that Wright did not embody the persona of the pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto. Subsequently, Mellor enforced a worldwide injunction on Wright’s holdings, freezing assets valued at £6.7 million (approximately […]