The Stanford Blockchain Club, a prominent group at Stanford University, has voiced significant worries about the U.S. government’s legal pursuit of Tornado Cash developers, Roman Storm and Roman Semenov, using old-school federal money transmission laws. Legal Overreach? Stanford Group Critiques Tornado Cash Indictments In their in-depth analysis, “Tornado Cash and the Boundaries of Money Transmission,” […]
Stanford University Vows to Return $5.5M FTX Donations; Funds Initially Allocated for Pandemic Prevention
In the wake of a lawsuit targeting the parents of Sam Bankman-Fried, Stanford University’s spokesperson has announced intentions to give back the millions garnered from FTX and its affiliates. Records indicate that a whopping $ 5.5 million in gifts to Stanford traces back to the FTX empire. FTX’s Pandemic Protection Push Pauses: Stanford Announces …
Stanford School Newspaper Highlights the Irony of Sam Bankman-Fried’s Scheduled Stanford Talk on Ethics Amidst Legal Chaos
Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), a once towering figure in the crypto world and former FTX CEO, was curiously slated to share his insights on tech ethics with Stanford students this winter. In a thorough examination penned by Theo Baker for the Stanford Daily, the details of SBF’s multifaceted relationship with one of the globe’s most respected […]