The Federal Reserve Board’s annual stress test results reveal that large banks are expected to face nearly $ 685 billion in projected losses during a severe recession scenario. These losses are significantly higher than last year due to increased risks in bank balance sheets and higher expenses. The aggregate common equity tier 1 (CET1) …
What Is the Howey Test? Understanding Its Role in Crypto Regulation
This year, with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) increasing enforcement on businesses accused of offering unregistered crypto securities to American investors, regulators, attorneys, and judges have been utilizing the Howey Test to ascertain whether specific crypto assets constitute an “investment contract” and thereby fall under U.S. securities laws. Below is an in-depth exploration […]
Solana Developers Test Congestion Fixes in Testnet, Introduce Measures to Prioritize Traffic
Anza, a collective of developers focused on the Solana blockchain, has produced a fix that aims to reduce the congestion that the network has been experiencing. The new version of Solana, now being tried in testnet, includes a feature called stake-weighted quality of service (SWQOS), that prioritizes transactions from higher quality validators. Solana Gears up […]
Banco Do Brasil to Test Offline Payments in Brazilian CBDC Pilot
Banco Do Brasil, a bank owned in its majority by the Brazilian state, and Giesecke+Devrient, are partnering to explore the possibilities of bringing offline payments to the future Brazilian CBDC, Drex. The joint initiative will include this functionality in Drex’s pilot, to extend access to financial services to Brazilians with difficult or no access to […]
WordPress 6.5 Is Around the Corner; Test Beta 2
WordPress 6.5 Beta 2 was released yesterday, featuring exciting capabilities and dozens of updates and bug fixes. The first major release of 2024, WordPress 6.5 will officially launch on March 26, 2024. Now’s the best time to start poking around, see what’s new, make sure your project(s) are ready, and …