The Youtube channel of India’s Supreme Court was compromised, promoting a scam involving XRP cryptocurrency instead of its usual live hearings. The breach temporarily shut down the channel, but services resumed later that day. Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse responded, condemning the exploitation of crypto users. XRP Scam Promoted on Supreme Court of India’s Youtube Channel […]
#137 – Jamie Marsland on Heading the WordPress YouTube Channel
[00:00:00] Nathan Wrigley: Welcome to the Jukebox podcast from WP Tavern. My name is Nathan Wrigley. Jukebox is a podcast which is dedicated to all things WordPress. The people, the events, the plugins, the blocks, the themes, and in this case, how YouTube can promote the WordPress project. If you’d like …
Jamie Marsland Joins Automattic as Head of WordPress YouTube
Jamie Marsland, a well-known figure in the WordPress community, has officially joined Automattic as the Head of YouTube. Previously, he had collaborated with on a series of YouTube videos titled ‘build and beyond.’ In the official announcement, the Executive Director of WordPress, Josepha Haden Chomphosy, said, “ Jamie’s extensive …
NFL Star Trevor Lawrence and Youtube Influencers Settle Allegations Over FTX Endorsements
In a recent court document, Jaguars’ quarterback Trevor Lawrence and two others have chosen to settle allegations that they misled investors, leading to losses in the FTX collapse. Lawrence, among several high-profile endorsers of FTX, has not publicly revealed the terms of his settlement. Jaguars’ Quarterback Trevor ‘Sunshine’ Lawrence to Settle FTX Endorsement Lawsuit On […]
Do YouTube likes assist your ability to rank higher in Search Engines?
YouTube, like any other large site with a huge amount of content, has a particular set of guidelines which decide how to rank everything uploaded. Rather like exams are graded in A, B, C fashion based on the way questions are answered, so YouTube looks at a set of criteria – but they are perhaps […]